A Different Kind of Gun (2007)


Dirigido por:Peter Jordan
Estreou em 1 de janeiro de 2007
A Different Kind of Gun


    To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb
    Valsa com Bashir
    Razões para a Guerra
    Paragraph 175
    Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority
    The Devil Came on Horseback
    Zalazak stoljeća (Testament L.Z.)
    Darfur Now
    Gaza Fights for Freedom
    Shusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue
    O Filme Perdido de Nuremberg
    Nuclear Savage: The Islands of Secret Project 4.1
    كفر قاسم
    Blood Diamonds
    When the Mountains Tremble
    BeFreier und Befreite
    Крим, як це було
    The Spanish Civil War
    Red Summer: Violência Racial