Cage Warriors 118: The Trilogy Strikes Back Part 2 (2020)

Estreou em 11 de dezembro de 2020
Cage Warriors 118: The Trilogy Strikes Back Part 2


    Fight Club Rush 11
    UFC 306: O'Malley vs. Dvalishvili
    Notorious Nick
    UFC 46: Supernatural
    UFC 11.5
    UFC 7.5: The Ultimate Ultimate
    MMA - Meu Melhor Amigo
    UFC 2: No Way Out
    UFC 3: The American Dream
    UFC 4: Revenge of the Warriors
    UFC 5: Return Of The Beast
    UFC 6: Clash Of The Titans
    Fight Church
    WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2020
    Takedown: The DNA of GSP
    O Grande Dragão Branco
    UFC 77: Hostile Territory
    UFC 68: The Uprising
    NXT TakeOver: WarGames 2020