Closeness to the Land (2022)


Dirigido por:Mona Gazala
Estreou em 21 de maio de 2022
Closeness to the Land


    Visages, villages
    As Estátuas Também Morrem
    Behind the Planet of the Apes
    Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority
    Raffaello - Il Principe delle Arti
    Alma del Desierto
    1/57: Versuch mit synthetischem Ton
    Algo de Podre na Água
    Gaza Fights for Freedom
    Where Olive Trees Weep
    Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock
    I, Claude Monet
    Rule of Stone
    West of the Jordan River
    44 Pages
    Meat Joy
    Bilder einer Ausstellung
    Leonardo: The Works