Elle va crier (2025)


Dirigido por:Éloi Baril
Estreou em 23 de fevereiro de 2025
Elle va crier


  • Fred-Eric Salvail

    Fred-Eric Salvail

  • Louise Turcot

    Louise Turcot

  • Marie-Ève Larivière

    Marie-Ève Larivière

  • Pierre Curzi

    Pierre Curzi

Stories We Tell
As Praias de Agnès
Eu, Cary Grant
Nada por Dizer: Gloria Vanderbilt e Anderson Cooper
Der dritte Bruder
Packed In A Trunk: The Lost Art of Edith Lake Wilkinson
Growing Up with I Spit on Your Grave
A Vida com Lincoln
La guitarra flamenca de Yerai Cortés
Stand van de sterren
Drinking a Monster in the parking lot of the clinic where I was born that is now a funeral home
Phantoms of the Sierra Madre
Qatar, une dynastie à la conquête du monde
Werner We Love You
Mi Tío Manolo
Jóh do Forró - De Lá Pra Cá
Revealed: Otto By Otto