Golden Globe - Kanada - Der Osten (2013)


Estreou em 31 de outubro de 2013
Golden Globe - Kanada - Der Osten


    A Corporação
    Tiros em Columbine
    Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
    Nanook, o Esquimó
    Rivers and Tides
    The White Stripes: Under Great White Northern Lights
    Festival Express
    Picture of Light
    Margaret Atwood: O Poder da Palavra
    Algo de Podre na Água
    No Maps for These Territories
    One Second in Montreal
    Cracking the Shakespeare Code
    Hunting Matthew Nichols
    Place of the Boss: Utshimassits
    Mr. Dressup: A Magia do Faz de Conta
    Merci Bocuse
    Is the Crown at war with us?