His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz (1914)

Comédia, Família, Fantasia, Aventura

Dirigido por:L. Frank Baum
Estreou em 14 de outubro de 1914
His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz


  • Violet MacMillan

    Violet MacMillan

    Dorothy, a Kansas girl

  • Frank Moore

    Frank Moore

    The Scarecrow

  • Pierre Couderc

    Pierre Couderc

    The Tin Woodman

  • Raymond Russell

    Raymond Russell

    King Krewl

  • Mildred Harris

    Mildred Harris

    Button Bright

  • Vivian Reed

    Vivian Reed

    Princess Gloria

  • Mai Wells

    Mai Wells

    Old Mombi

  • Fred Woodward

    Fred Woodward

    Animals [Lion / "Sawhorse" / Mule / Kangaroo / Crow / Cow]

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O Sétimo Selo
O Homem Que Queria Ser Rei
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Yolngu Boy