La clownesse fantôme (1902)

Comédia, Fantasia

Dirigido por:Georges Méliès
Estreou em 5 de julho de 1902
La clownesse fantôme


    A Vingança do Cameraman
    O Beijo no Túnel
    O Porco Dançante
    Little Rural Riding Hood
    El hotel eléctrico
    What Happened on Twenty-Third Street, New York City
    Northwest Hounded Police
    Sissy-Boy Slap-Party
    Par le trou de la serrure
    Bedevilled Rabbit
    Les Grenouilles qui demandent un roi
    La voix du rossignol
    Le Rat de ville et le Rat des champs
    The Hoodlum
    The Old Maid's Valentine
    Jack and Old Mac
    Blackboard Jumble
    That Certain Thing
    The Final Days