Pen Point Percussion (1951)

Animação, Documentário

Dirigido por:Norman McLaren
Estreou em 1 de março de 1951
Pen Point Percussion


  • Norman McLaren

    Norman McLaren


O Conto de Natal do Mickey
Game of Thrones: A Última Vigília
Bambi Meets Godzilla
Cena do Jardim Roundhay
Fundo do Mar 3D
Johnny Express
Chaplin Today: 'City Lights'
The Living Sea
O Ataque dos Insetos
Experimental Animation
Happy Birthday Mr Bean
Hurricane on the Bayou
Tropical Rainforest
Antarctica: An Adventure of a Different Nature
A Aventura Pelos Recifes de Corais
ARTIFICIAL: Media Production in an Age of AI
Performing Animals; or, Skipping Dogs
IMAX: Galapagos 3D