Pistolteatern (2004)


Dirigido por:Anders Wahlgren
Estreou em 13 de fevereiro de 2004


  • Anders Wahlgren

    Anders Wahlgren

  • Claire Wikholm

    Claire Wikholm

  • Sten Elfström

    Sten Elfström

Ricardo III - Um Ensaio
The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye
Blue Man Group: The Complex Rock Tour Live
Tony Conrad: Completely in the Present
10umentary: Behind the Scenes of StarKid Homecoming
Ocaña: retrat intermitent
Cirque Du Soleil: Sem Proteção
Discovering Hamlet
Balkan Erotic Epic - Single Channel Version
Meat Joy
The Legend of Leigh Bowery
Balkan baroque
Corpo Presente
The Sound of Identity
Psychic TV: First Transmission
Marina Abramović & Ulay: No Predicted End
O Artista e a Força do Pensamento

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