Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure (2007)


Dirigido por:Sean MacLeod Phillips
Estreou em 27 de setembro de 2007
Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure


  • Liev Schreiber

    Liev Schreiber


  • Frank Novak

    Frank Novak

    George Sternberg (60s)

  • Jeffrey Staab

    Jeffrey Staab

    George Sternberg (30s)

Dinosaurs: The Final Day with David Attenborough
Flying Monsters 3D with David Attenborough
Sea Rex 3D: Jornada ao Mundo Pré-Histórico
Dinosaurs Alive
Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur
Attenborough and the Sea Dragon
Planet Dinosaur: Ultimate Killers
When Dinosaurs Roamed America
Walking With Dinosaurs Special: The Giant Claw
Land of Giants: A Walking With Dinosaurs Special
Dinosaur Revolution
Monsters Resurrected
Batalha Pré-Histórica
NOVA: Arctic Dinosaurs
Crocodilos Devoradores de Dinossauros
The Valley of the T-Rex
한반도의 공룡
The Case of the Flying Dinosaur
T.Rex: Ultimate Survivor