Steve Jobs: iChanged The World (2011)


Estreou em 1 de novembro de 2011
Steve Jobs: iChanged The World


    A História da Pixar
    Kids for Cash
    Steve Jobs: One Last Thing
    Stevie Van Zandt: Disciple
    Electric Blue 007
    Bloomberg Inside: Pixar
    Steve Jobs: Como Ele Mudou o Mundo
    76 Minutes and 15 seconds with Abbas Kiarostami
    Argentyńska lekcja
    Love Notes to Newton
    Dugma: The Button
    The Warriors of Qiugang
    Michael Jackson: The One
    BTS: Global Takeover
    Alzheimer's: A Love Story
    Syberyjska lekcja
    Dear Jesse
    Steve Jobs
    Piratas da Informática