The Killing Roads (2024)


Dirigido por:Igal Hecht
Estreou em 1 de outubro de 2024
The Killing Roads


    Valsa com Bashir
    Control Room
    O Príncipe Verde
    Promessas de um Novo Mundo
    O Caso Marwan - Suicído ou Assassinato?
    Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority
    Contagem Regressiva para a Eternidade
    The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
    Gaza Fights for Freedom
    This Is Not a Movie: Robert Fisk and the Politics of Truth
    Le Char et l'olivier, une autre histoire de la Palestine
    The Occupation of the American Mind
    كفر قاسم
    West of the Jordan River
    Revelation - The Bride, The Beast & Babylon
    Bubot Niyar
    Gaza: Trapped in Hell
    Holy Redemption
    Israel Palestina på svensk TV 1958–1989