The Patriot Game (1979)


Dirigido por:Arthur MacCaig
Estreou em 1 de junho de 1979
The Patriot Game


    The Future Tense
    Blutige Grenze – Die Geschichte Irlands
    Shooting the Darkness
    Unquiet Graves
    Lost Boys: Belfast's Missing Children
    The Irish Revolution
    The Secret Peacemaker
    Keep It a Secret: The Story of the Dawn of Surfing in Ireland
    14 Days
    Hard Border
    Troubles: The Life After
    Daughters of the Troubles: Belfast Stories
    Mairéad Farrell: An Unfinished Conversation
    Voices from the Grave
    War and Peace in Ireland
    Whatever You Say, Say Nothing
    The Brighton Bomb
    The Hunt for the Bomber
    Caçada na Noite

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