To Tell the Truth: A History of Documentary Film (1928-1946) (2012)


Dirigido por:Calvin Skaggs
Estreou em 10 de novembro de 2012
To Tell the Truth: A History of Documentary Film (1928-1946)


  • Alec Baldwin

    Alec Baldwin


Perdido em La Mancha
Full Tilt Boogie
O Abraço do Panda: A Fera Vermelha
Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Superman
Done the Impossible
The Brothers Warner
Making Apes: The Artists Who Changed Film
Tales of the Uncanny
Wicked Wishes: Making the Wishmaster
In the Shadow of Hollywood: Race Movies and the Birth of Black Cinema
Jean-Marie Straub und Danièle Huillet bei der Arbeit an einem Film nach Franz Kafkas Romanfragment Amerika
Das Boot – Welterfolg aus der Tiefe
ARTIFICIAL: Media Production in an Age of AI
Якутия - между мирами
Jackie Chan: Down to Earth
Cinema Futures
Renouer avec le vivant
Rendszerhiba - A magyar film el nem mondott története
Il était une fois... Vincent, François, Paul et les autres