UFOs and Nukes - The Secret Link Revealed (2016)


Dirigido por:Robert Hastings
Estreou em 10 de abril de 2016
UFOs and Nukes - The Secret Link Revealed


    Bob Lazar: Área 51 e os Discos Voadores
    Contatos Imediatos do Quinto Grau: O Contato Tem Início
    The Phenomenon
    Alien Autopsy: (fact or fiction?)
    O Programa
    Out of the Blue
    Calling All Earthlings
    The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé
    これがUFOだ! 空飛ぶ円盤
    Target... Earth?
    UFO Endgame to Disclosure
    In Plain Sight The Intelligence Community and UFOs
    Ovnis les dossiers Secret Défense
    The Interdimensional Connection
    UFO's Are Real
    Forbidden Knowledge: Alien Artifacts
    UAP: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
    UFOs: 50 Years of Denial?
    Aztec 1948: UFO Crash