Visions de Lourdes (1932)


Dirigido por:Charles Dekeukeleire
Estreou em 1 de janeiro de 1932
Visions de Lourdes


    Berlin: Sinfonia da Metrópole
    Nanook, o Esquimó
    Decasia: The State of Decay
    Laurel & Hardy - Die komische Liebesgeschichte von Dick und Doof
    Домашна работа (предилки)
    Дефиле на воен оркестар, кочии и коњаници
    Tropical Rainforest
    Прослава на Ѓурѓовден
    La mosca y sus peligros
    One Second in Montreal
    Ludzie w drodze
    Images of Asian Music (A Diary from Life 1973-74)
    New York Portrait, Chapter II
    India: Kingdom of the Tiger
    Performing Animals; or, Skipping Dogs
    Lumiere's First Picture Shows
    Ring of Fire
    Boxing Match; or, Glove Contest
    Film-Tract n° 1968