Πεθαίνοντας Για Την Αλήθεια (2011)


Dirigido por:Νίκος Μεγγρέλης
Estreou em 7 de abril de 2011
Πεθαίνοντας Για Την Αλήθεια


  • Νίκος Μεγγρέλης

    Νίκος Μεγγρέλης

    Director / Narrator

A Corporação
Meu melhor inimigo
Sob a Névoa da Guerra
George Carlin: Life Is Worth Losing
America: Freedom to Fascism
Don't Be a Sucker!
La Sixième Face du Pentagone
Φασισμός Α.Ε.
Hollande, DSK, etc ...
Tiempos de Dictadura, Tiempos de Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Soldiers of Song
The Killing of a Journalist
You've Been Trumped Too
Red, White and Blue
How Every Film You Watch Tells You To Love The Rich and What To Do About It
Film-Tract n° 1968
Rendszerhiba - A magyar film el nem mondott története