A State of Rage (2024)


Dirigido por:Marcel Mettelsiefen
Estreou em 27 de setembro de 2024
A State of Rage


    Valsa com Bashir
    Control Room
    Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority
    The Oslo Diaries
    Koudelka fotografuje Svatou zemi
    Israel and Gaza: Into the Abyss
    The Human Factor
    Le Char et l'olivier, une autre histoire de la Palestine
    The Occupation of the American Mind
    Aufwachsen im Westjordanland - Gefangen im Zorn
    Trauma in Nahost - Der 7. Oktober und seine Folgen
    Life and Death in Gaza
    The Killing Roads
    רחל מאופקים
    Holy Redemption
    Here Children Do Not Play Together
    Letter to My Tribe

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