Arab Movie (2015)


Dirigido por:Eyal Sagui Bezawe
Estreou em 8 de maio de 2015
Arab Movie


    Valsa com Bashir
    Score: A Film Music Documentary
    O Outro Lado de Hollywood
    Control Room
    Promessas de um Novo Mundo
    O Caso Marwan - Suicído ou Assassinato?
    Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority
    143 rue du désert
    Gaza Fights for Freedom
    Contagem Regressiva para a Eternidade
    Vivien Leigh, autant en emporte le vent
    The Occupation of the American Mind
    Caligari — Wie der Horror ins Kino kam
    De weg naar het zuiden
    Revelation - The Bride, The Beast & Babylon
    Cinéastes de notre temps : Le Dinosaure et le Bébé, dialogue en huit parties entre Fritz Lang et Jean-Luc Godard
    Starz Inside: Sex and the Cinema
    Tin Tan
    In the Shadow of Hollywood: Race Movies and the Birth of Black Cinema